PowerShell in Unicode, Windows 8 RP and Windows Server 2012 RC

I was testing our software with latest version of Microsoft Windows — Windows 8 Release Preview and Windows Server 2012 Release Candidate (Windows Server 2012 RC Datacenter). There was some changed behavior in very specific cases for some rarely used Windows API. I also found some race conditions, that showed up in Windows 8, but …

Visual Studio Form Editor: To prevent possible data loss before loading the designer, the following errors must be resolved

This is not the first time. I have seen this error message in the past (probably multiple times), and every time I look to this error and I do not understand, why it appeared and how to fix it. I read the text, projects not referenced, projects have been built… wait… yes, projects must be …

Spammed by WordPress comment stealing bot with Facebook profile

Some time ago (1/2 year, may be 1 year) strange comments started to appear in our WordPress comment moderation queue. They all contained some random comments from random places, they all had the similar URL: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX where XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is profile ID, that is changing from one comment to another. I didn’t click on the fake …