Getting file size in KB using batch file

To get file size using batch file, we use variable with modifier. Then set /a, performs match operation (divide by 1024). Unlike other examples, this example works on any Windows language. @echo off :: Name: file_size.bat :: Author :: Calculate file size in KB from %1 set /a size = %~z1 / 1024 echo …

xcopy alternative for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 – ROBOCOPY

Robocopy – Robust File Copy for Windows is bundled with Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 and Vista. If you can not do something in xcopy, you probably can in robocopy. For example robocopy can: resume on network error, specify number of Retries, etc. ability to copy NTFS permissions and attributes including timestamps; synchronize mode; and …

Batch script to test if folder / directory is empty

Yesterday I needed a Dos batch script to check if folder is empty. A little Google search revealed some methods: Using dir and find commands, does not work on non-english Windows versions: Using dir command with /a-d, does not work for folders: Using dir and findstr commands, does not work on non-english Windows …