Note 1: Before I start — I am not complaining. I am having a great fun creating web stuff. It is just a warning for others.
Note 2: I will not post the URL of the website. PM me if you want it.
I have one of the fastest websites on the planet (I believe the top 1% of all sites). CDNs on every continent. Super optimized images (smart JPG + WebP + AVIF), JS, CSS, HTML, etc. And I am unable to measure any, even a tiny improvement in rankings due to page speed since 2018.
My competitors have super slow websites. Even 5..10+ seconds load time. And they rank above my site. So my conclusion — the page speed ranking is only one of 1000 signals, that does not change anything.
We have been improving the website performance since 2018 when Google announced that they will use page speed as a signal:
In my opinion, Google is spreading more lies now:
Here is my data from Google Search Console and PageSpeed Insights:

In other words — the site opens instantly from any part of the world, on any device… but its position in the SERPs didn’t change.