Strange MAC addresses in your network (00:0D:3A:D7:F1:40 – 00:0D:3A:FF:FF:FF)

Today I noticed many strange MAC addresses in our LAN. The addresses looked very similar – only few bits were changing. Sometime this happens, when Ethernet cable is damaged or due to network card malfunction. Here are some sample MAC addresses I observed: 000d3a-fa6109 000d3a-fa6207 000d3a-fa6209 000d3a-fa6107 000d3a-fa6203 000d3a-fa6103 000d3a-fa6212 000d3a-fa6112 000d3a-fa610f 000d3a-fa620f It turns …

RegCopyTree fails with Access denied error (5) on Windows 7

MSDN documentation for RegCopyTree states that ‘The calling process must have KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY access to the destination key’, however call fails on some keys with Access denied error (5) on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. Changing desired access rights to KEY_ALL_ACCESS solves the problem. Currently I do not know why, but it works in my case.

COM, BSTR or _bstr_t is leaking memory

COM, BSTR or _bstr_t is leaking memory. That was my first thought when I saw increasing number in Task Manager under memory colon for the process I am developing. Searching Google for quick answer I found famous Microsoft employee and blogger Larry Osterman’s blog post about Hey, why am I leaking all my BSTR’s? He …