Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Remote Debugging Monitor in service mode

Rarely I need to use Visual Studio Remote Debugger to debug Native application. It always big pain to configure everything correctly. But today I needed to run Remote Debugger as service, so I can debug another service, when no any user is logged onto computer. First strange thing I noticed, that I am able to …

Context menu extension to remove all .svn folders

Here is my version of Shell / context menu extension to remove all .svn folders (used by Subversion). This reg file adds menu item called ‘Delete SVN Folders’ under Right mouse click on folder. Download and run this file: DeleteSVN.reg Here is a full source of DeleteSVN.reg: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder\shell\DeleteSVN] @=”Delete SVN …

How big HTML images / CSS / JS / png / etc. should be to fit network packet (MTU) efficiently

List of little things that will make your website much faster. Not every webmaster knows, that 1 extra byte in jpg image, can cause 100% speed reduction / penalty for your website visitor. When you learn that MTU for Ethernet is 1500 bytes with actual data / payload size of 1460 bytes, you can calculate …