Did you know that IP addresses (IPv4) can be written in shorter representations?

Did you know that IPv4 addresses can be written in shorter representations, like IPv6 addresses? Everyone have seen form of IPv6 represented as “shorter form”: Example from IPv6: 2001::7334 ::1 :: You can use our free tool ipv6-literal.com to convert these addresses to long form. The result is: 2001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:7334 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 What admins / programmers …

Strange MAC addresses in your network (00:0D:3A:D7:F1:40 – 00:0D:3A:FF:FF:FF)

Today I noticed many strange MAC addresses in our LAN. The addresses looked very similar – only few bits were changing. Sometime this happens, when Ethernet cable is damaged or due to network card malfunction. Here are some sample MAC addresses I observed: 000d3a-fa6109 000d3a-fa6207 000d3a-fa6209 000d3a-fa6107 000d3a-fa6203 000d3a-fa6103 000d3a-fa6212 000d3a-fa6112 000d3a-fa610f 000d3a-fa620f It turns …

IPv6, literals and legacy software

IPv4 address exhaustion is slowly going into final phase. To use IPv6 addresses in legacy software, some mechanism must be in place to not confuse programs with colons (:) in the addresses. For Windows this is IPv6 literals. We have created IPv6 to literal online converting tool. It is a free tool to convert IPv6 …