Strange HTTP GET requests from IP 150.70.x.x and IP 62.24.x.x

Recently I started to notice that one of our sites gets strange HTTP GET requests from two IP ranges: 150.70.x.x and IP 62.24.x.x. The short version of this goes as follows: we have web service when users can submit results via HTTP GET request. For example:{BEDC2C9A-C5E6-4766-B57C-7CC07BB26F59}&result=x Each (next) user/request gets a new GUID, like: …

Things that will make your website much faster

What will make my website faster? How to optimize page load time? How to make web site appear to load faster for end user? Updated Feb 9, 2011. This is excerpt from article: How big HTML images / CSS / JS / png / etc. should be to fit network packet (MTU) efficiently List of …

How big HTML images / CSS / JS / png / etc. should be to fit network packet (MTU) efficiently

List of little things that will make your website much faster. Not every webmaster knows, that 1 extra byte in jpg image, can cause 100% speed reduction / penalty for your website visitor. When you learn that MTU for Ethernet is 1500 bytes with actual data / payload size of 1460 bytes, you can calculate …