Today, looking in directory C:\Windows\System32\drivers, I found strangely named file “剐䍏塅ㅐ〰匮卙”. First thought was: it is driver form LG PC suite… I remember, that some files have Korean characters in it. However, looking closer, I found, that file is digitally signed by Sysinternals.
So it can not be a computer virus, because in that case they would need a private key form Microsoft Sysinternals.
I have a couple of programs from Sysinternals installed. So I started to google, but could no find answer easily. Here is a link to relevant discussion. Running logonsessions creates…
It talks, that file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\剐䍏塅ㅐ〰匮卙 is created by LogonSessions utility. So file really comes from Microsoft, so it is not a virus.