Urih.com statistics – you never know what will be most used feature

22 weeks (or 5 months and 5 days) after urih.com launch, here we have an interesting stats. Clearly, the most used feature on the urih.com is SilverBench – online CPU benchmark tool. The opposite – the feature that no one have used is: Feedback form, that is located on all pages. To be exact, the …

CreateProcessAsUser fails on Windows XP with System error 233

Today I fixed one bug that was very hard to reproduce. Many hours were spent to figure out what combination caused it: It happens only on Windows XP (not on Vista, Server 2003, 2008, Win 7); It does not happens on all Windows XP, because it is Race condition; I was unable to reproduce it …

Microsoft’s PowerShell hangs when output is captured using Windows API

I was debugging a program that uses Windows API (Creating a Child Process with Redirected Input and Output) to capture stdout of Microsoft’s Windows PowerShell. Script passed to PowerShell (-File switch) didn’t execute and PowerShell just hanged until killed by Task Manager. It turns out that you need to use undocumented parameter “-InputFormat none”: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe …