Security Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (KB2455033) failed with Code 643

Yesterday tried to install ‘Security Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (KB2455033)’ via Windows update on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit but it failed with Code 643. Installation constantly failed with Code 643 – Some updates were not installed. Currently Google search does not shows anything useful, however Microsoft Connect have listed 4 workarounds. I tried …

Test Silverlight speed or Test CPU speed with Silverlight

While we were developing SilverBench (online multicore CPU benchmarking with Silverlight), I found one interesting benchmark project. It is called Balls / Bubblemark animation test. You can test and directly compare speed / performance for the following programming languages: JavaScript, Silverlight (C#), Flash (ActionScript) and Java. Source code is provided. Project is maintained from 2007 …

Underused features of Windows batch files

StackOverflow have another interesting topic about: Underused features of Windows batch files. Of course there are many things I didn’t know about. Some highlights: PUSHD path Takes you to the directory specified by path. POPD Takes you back to the directory you “pushed” from. By using CALL, EXIT /B, SETLOCAL & ENDLOCAL you can implement …