First cmd / DOS batch script example

Photo: This article is from our Febooti archive, it was relevant then, and I think that it is still relevant today (a few details changed). Previous article: What is a batch script? Next article: Stopping a DOS batch file Now we are familiar with the command prompt. Batch scripts are one or more DOS …

Executing very large script on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 fails

I was trying to execute very large .sql script in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, that runs on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2. First I tried to copy/paste script into Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. The server has plenty of memory about 5 GB RAM, and script file is about 150 MB in size and …

Building OpenSSL with Visual Studio 2010 for x64 / Win64 causes error

Today I was trying to build the latest OpenSSL 1.0.1c with Visual Studio 2010. Following instructions form the INSTALL.W32, I was able to successfully build the 32-bit version. Trying the same with 64-bit (x64) version, again following the official instructions from INSTALL.W64. To build for Win64/x64: > perl Configure VC-WIN64A > ms\do_win64a > nmake -f …